Monday, June 25, 2007

The Return of Jack Idema

Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema is many things to many people, but to me, someone who has actually met this controversial individual and spent many hours in conversations with him, Idema will always remain a contemporary version of the character portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in 1970 -- The latter day "Little Big Man."

Now that Idema has been released from prison in Afghanistan, I can't wait to read the book and see the movie version of Idema's adventures in life starring Idema that is written and directed by Idema that features scenes in Russia, Afghanistan and prison where the "Jack Idema The Super Patriot" shares scenes with many modern day players in current events like Osama bin Laden.

Notes and links:

I Love Idema

I Love And Hate Idema

I Hate Idema: Operation Desert Fraud

Veterans: Idema is Crazy and a Poser

"24" Secret Agent Jack Bauer, the fictional character who Idema models himself on even to the point of changing his first name to "Jack."

The Real Deal On Idema

Excellent Background On The Idema Saga: Review of Robert Young Pelton's book, Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror

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